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Using the Library

Welcome to the Library!

The Bishop Payne Library provides an inviting context for theological exploration. The collection contains hundreds of thousands of materials curated to support your learning and research. Spaces have been designed to accommodate a variety of learning styles, facilitate group work, and host engaging programming. The digital catalog provides quick access to thousands of eBooks and millions of journal articles to facilitate the careful study of theology.

Our passion is to help you go deeper in your faith and vocation through reading, research, and resources.

Librarians are ready to assist with your research and help you navigate the library's resources. Use the tabs at the left, or explore the pages throughout our website to learn more about the resources and services of the library, from on-site borrowing and space to digital and hybrid services.

Hybrid/Distance Learning Students

The library's website and digital catalog have been designed to make it easy for all users, on-campus and remote, to access resources. Just as with the physical library space, the website and online catalog encourage users to find materials and explore our collections. eBooks and eJournals (among many others!) are completely integrated into the OneSearch catalog. Library staff are eager to support your studies regardless of your location.

Library History

The seminary’s library dates from the seminary’s founding in 1823. Francis Scott Key Hall (now Bicentennial Hall) was built as the first separate library building in 1855 for a collection of 7,000 volumes. The Bishop Payne Library building was built in 1957 to hold 100,000 volumes, doubled in size in 1980, and completely renovated in 2020-2021. In 1973 the library was named to honor the Bishop Payne Divinity School, the separate Episcopal seminary for African Americans during segregation that merged into VTS in 1953.

Visiting the Library

The library collection and building support the theological research and teaching of the Seminary. Building access and resource use is given priority to the VTS Community (students, faculty, staff, their families, VTS alumni, CXM Supervisors, Board of Trustees, and official guests of the Seminary), the GTS community, and students and faculty of the Washington Theological Consortium.

The library building is accessible only by cardkey access.

Visitor Categories:

  • Members of the Washington Theological Consortium: Current Students, Faculty, and Staff of Washington Theological Consortium member institutions are eligible to apply for borrower's privileges at Bishop Payne Library. Follow the directions on the WTC website. You will need a signed borrowing form from a librarian at your institution. Make an appointment for your first visit to BPL by filling out a Visiting Researcher Appointment Request.
  • Local Clergy: Ordained clergy in the Washington, DC metro area who have previously held borrowing privileges with the library may apply for renewal of privileges before visiting the library. Local clergy new to the library will be required to apply for borrowing privileges before their first visit. Email to inquire about local clergy borrowing and access. Local clergy borrowing privileges last until May 15th of each year, at which time they will need to reapply for a subsequent year. For local clergy with approved borrowing privileges, access to the building is by calling the circulation desk (703) 461-1733 once you've arrived. They will verify your eligibility for entry and open the door for you.

    Submit a completed application form to apply for clergy borrowing privileges. PDF iconClergy Borrowing Application Form.pdf
  • Individual Researchers: Visiting researchers must make an appointment to visit the library upon each separate visit. Visitors without an appointment will not be granted entry to the library building. The library is open to researchers who have a specific need to use its collections. Access is intended for limited-duration, distinct projects. The library staff is unable to conduct research on behalf of unaffiliated visitors.

    Submit a Visiting Researcher Appointment Request form to request a visit, including information about your project and use of the BPL collections. Appointments must be made at least 24 hours before an intended visit. A library staff member will reply to your request with information about accessing the library.
  • Students from other colleges, universities, or theological schools: Borrowing privileges are unavailable to visiting students or researchers outside of the library's existing agreement with the Washington Theological Consortium libraries.

    Submit a Visiting Researcher Appointment Request form to request a visit, including information about your project and use of the BPL collections. Appointments must be made at least 24 hours before an intended visit. A library staff member will reply to your request with information about accessing the library.
  • General Public: The general public does not have access to the Bishop Payne Library. They should use the Alexandria Public Library System, another public library system, or the Library of Congress.

Distance/Hybrid Learning Students

*This page is for VTS Doctoral Students and GTS Students*

All hybrid learning students have full privileges to the Bishop Payne Library and its digital resources. Information about using the library is contained throughout this Using the Library guide, where information for students both in-person and hybrid is available. You're encouraged to read through each of the tabs on this guide to learn more about library resources.

Library Services Highlights

The library's website and digital catalog have been designed to make it easy for all users, on-campus and remote, to access resources. Just as with the physical library space, the website and online catalog encourage users to find materials and explore our collections. eBooks and eJournals (among many others!) are completely integrated into the OneSearch catalog. Library staff are eager to support your studies regardless of your location.

Your Library Account

At the start of your programs, you will receive your library barcode (either via email from the User Services Librarian or in-person at your first on-campus intensive). You'll need your barcode number to use the library's digital resources as the system will automatically prompt you for this barcode to authenticate as a library user. Misplaced your barcode? Use the Ask-a-Librarian form.

Research & Reference Assistance

Library staff are eager and ready to support you wherever you are. Librarians can help you make efficient use of the OneSearch catalog, help you develop research strategies for your papers and projects, and can generally partner with you at any stage of your learning or projects.

Reach out to the library staff:

  • Use the Ask-a-Librarian form for any question, from troubleshooting digital resources to research advice.
  • Schedule a Meeting with Vincent Williams, the User Services Librarian. Vincent can meet with you via zoom or over the phone.
  • Call the circulation desk at (703) 461-1733.
  • Browse the library's curated Research Guides.
Borrowing Books

GTS students and VTS doctoral students are encouraged to make use of the library's extensive eResource collection. Catalog searches can be limited to eBooks or eJournals only for ease of browsing. The library has more than 500,000 eBooks and millions of digital journal articles. It is the library's goal to provide eBook access to all course readings and library staff attempt to purchase eBook access to books in the Seminaries' curricular areas whenever possible. If there is a book you need that is not available in eBook form, please reach out to the library staff to explore options for access.

Distance/Hybrid students (VTS Doctoral Students and GTS Students) can request books to be shipped for them if the item is not available electronically. We can ship up to 5 books at a time. The library will pay for outgoing shipping via USPS and will provide a prepaid USPS return label via email when you're ready to return. To request books shipped to you, please send an email to or fill out the Ask-a-Librarian form. Include your shipping address with your request.

New Student Checklist

Welcome to the Bishop Payne Library! New students can use this library checklist to make sure they're comfortable using all that the library has to offer.

  1. Find your library barcode on the back of your VTS ID Card. Hybrid/Distance Learning students receive their library barcodes via email at the beginning of their first term. You'll use this barcode to check out materials and authenticate for remote access to digital resources (link).

  2. Attend a library orientation. Watch your email during the August term (for VTS Students) or throughout the year for opportunities to attend an in-person or, for hybrid/distance learning students, virtual orientation to the library.

  3. Take a tour of the library (for residential students). These are organized for groups of new students, or, you can ask one of the librarians for a tour. Or, go on a self-guided tour with a pamphlet at the circulation desk. Familiarize yourself with the variety of study spaces designed for diverse learning styles and comfort preferences. Hybrid/Distance students will be offered library tours during their intensive or residency weeks at VTS.

  4. Familiarize yourself with our opening hours (for residential students). During the academic terms, we are open evenings and weekends. During the summer and breaks, we reduce our hours to Mon-Fri during the day. Find our hours on the library's homepage (top left for today's hours, bottom for detailed listing).

  5. Use the Ask-a-Librarian button (link) to reach out to librarians with questions of any kind. We're here to help support your research at every stage. You can also ask any question to the circulation desk staffer who is there to help you, either in person or by phone (703) 461-1733. No question is too big or too small for the library team. It's our job to answer questions and help you.

  6. Get a feel for the library catalog: OneSearch (link). Our default catalog search helps you discover books, eBooks, journal articles, and more all in one place. Try out a few keywords or search for a known item so you're comfortable using the search box and know what to expect on the results page.

  7. Practice reading eBooks and digital journal articles. Look for the "PDF Full Text" links in the catalog, as these are the quickest ways to access eResources. Example: Picture. You can limit your catalog search results to eBooks or journal articles only using the limiters on the left-hand side of the search results page.

  8. Try out the Map It feature (for on-site borrowing). On the catalog results page, all physical items have a "map it" button: Picture. Click on that and a map of the stacks will open showing you exactly where the book is located. 

  9. Explore Research Guides (link). These guides are created by librarians and act as starting points for researching various topics. They usually contain recommended starting resources as well as suggested pathways for further research. There is even one for Exegesis Resources!

  10. Learn about our Special Collections: Rare Books & Archives (primarily for on-site use). These collections are open for student research! The rare books room features a range of unique materials documenting the history of the Bible, the Book of Common Prayer, and Anglican theology. The archives document the history of the Seminary and also contain the African American Episcopal Historical Collection (AAEHC). Many of the VTS rare books are searchable in the library's catalog. Visit the archives' website (link).

Contact Us & Research Assistance

We are here to help.

You don't have to research alone. Librarians are available to partner with you at any stage of your project. How can librarians help you?

  1. They can help you develop a research topic.
  2. They can suggest recommended resources or help you choose sources to use. 
  3. Librarians can help introduce you to the scholarly literature in a particular field.
  4. Librarians can help you develop beginning and advanced research questions.
  5. They can assist you in navigating the library's physical and digital collections, like guiding your effective use of the digital catalog.
  6. They can help you find primary sources or archival material as well as help you make use of the rare book collection.
  7. Librarians can partner with you to develop research strategies throughout your projects.

Schedule a Consultation or Reach Out for Help:

  • Fill out the Ask-A-Librarian Form. During the library's open hours, responses are generally provided within a couple of hours. Form submissions are monitored by multiple BPL librarians.

  • Ask the circulation desk staffer for research help. Remember, you are never "bothering" the circulation desk staffer. We are here for you! If they don't know the answer to your question, they will refer your question to another member of the library staff.

  • Schedule a Meeting with Vincent Williams, the User Services Librarian. Vincent can meet with you in-person, over the phone, or via Zoom.
  • If your research question concerns archival material, email, so the archives staff can respond to your question. 

Research Guides

The library has created many research guides on specific subjects. Visit our guides page to browse available guides.


On-Site Borrowing 

You'll need your VTS ID card to check out books using the self-checkout station or with the circulation desk staff. Most materials at the Bishop Payne Library are available to borrow. Exceptions are books in the Reference Section or Special Collections, for example. Loan periods vary slightly depending on your relationship with VTS. Students receive a standard 4-week borrowing period, and they can renew books up to two times if no other member of the community requests the item.

GTS Students / VTS Doctoral Students Borrowing

GTS students and VTS doctoral students are encouraged to use the library's extensive eResource collection. Catalog searches can be limited to eBooks or eJournals for easy browsing. The library has more than 500,000 eBooks and millions of digital journal articles. The library's goal is to provide eBook access to all course readings and library staff attempt to purchase eBook access to books in the Seminary's curricular areas whenever possible. If you need a book that is not available in eBook form, please reach out to the library staff to explore options for access.

Distance/Hybrid students (VTS Doctoral Students and GTS Students) can request that books be shipped for them if the item is unavailable electronically. We can ship up to 5 books at a time. The library will pay for outgoing shipping via USPS and will provide a prepaid USPS return label via email once you are ready to return them. Please email or fill out the Ask-a-Librarian form to request books shipped to you. Include your shipping address with your request.

Renew Books

Library users may self-renew books up to 2 separate times through My Account. Log in using your last name and library barcode to view or renew your borrowed materials. You may also renew materials by emailing or calling the circulation desk at (703) 461-1733.

Book Recalls

Books may be recalled at any time for use by another member of the VTS Community. Upon recall, the book will be due within 7 days. Library staff will communicate with you regarding any recalled items.

Placing Holds

If an item you want is currently checked out, the library staff can place a hold on the book and recall it from the current user. Email for any hold requests. Library staff will communicate with you once the item is available to borrow.

Inter-Library Loan

An ILL is sometimes possible for books not held at the library. Use the Ask-A-Librarian form to inquire about an item you need that isn't in the collection. ILLs are only possible for current students, faculty, and staff of VTS or GTS. We are not able to request ILLs for alumni or local clergy borrowers.

Reciprocal Borrowing at Washington Theological Consortium Libraries

Current students, faculty, and staff of VTS are eligible for borrowing privileges at WTC member school libraries. Visit the WTC website for more information about the program, including a list of participating libraries, and then contact to get started. A signed form from one of the VTS librarians is required before another library will grant you borrowing privileges. 

Using the Library of Congress

Anyone can register for a free reader's card at the Library of Congress, the most extensive library in the world. A reader's card is required to enter the reading rooms and request materials. Visit their reader registration page for more information.

Course Reserves

Professors may ask the library to place reading materials on reserve in the library. These materials are located at the circulation desk. Course reserves can be checked out for 2-hours and renewed if no other student is waiting for access.

You can find course reserves through the VTS Library Catalog. Select Course Reserves, enter the professor's last name in the search box, and choose the course to view. You can then browse the list of items on course reserve for that particular course. Many professors also integrate their course reserve texts with their Brightspace course pages.

The library tries to make all required reading available as eBooks wherever this option is possible and available. Search for eBooks by title in the OneSearch catalog. Not all books have been digitized by their publishers, so significant gaps remain in coverage between print and eBooks.

Study Spaces

Study Desks, Chairs, Tables

The library has plentiful seating to accommodate a variety of comfort preferences and learning types. Most study tables and chairs are located on the outer perimeter of each floor, along the windows. The library has variously sized study tables, couches, and single comfortable chairs. The upper and lower levels are designated as quiet study spaces, while the front of the main floor, the Library Commons, is designated for group work or quiet conversation. However you prefer to study, there is a space designed just for you at BPL.

Standing Desks, Treadmill Desk, and Balance Ball

There are standing desks on every floor with anti-fatigue mats, a balance ball upstairs, and a treadmill desk downstairs for those who prefer to be standing or moving while studying and reading. The treadmill desk is simple to use, and library staff can help you get started.

Group Study Rooms

There are 5 group study rooms in the library, for use by students doing small group study or for course-related small groups. These operate on a first-come-first-served policy for groups of 2 or more. They are not intended for individual study. Library staff occasionally reserve these spaces for departmental or faculty meeting needs. Headphones must be used for conference calls except when using the Zoom Rooms feature in rooms 120 or 201. The conference rooms are not soundproof; others will hear noise coming from the rooms.

Group study rooms and carrels are for the use of the seminary community only.

Individual Carrels

Carrels are available on the main and upper floors of the library, reserved for use by students writing theses, those with documented learning accommodations, and visiting scholars. Please inquire at the circulation desk about the carrel policy. When not reserved, these rooms can be used on a first-come, first-served basis. Group study rooms and carrels are for the use of the seminary community only. (Library Carrel Policy)

Print, Copy, and Scan

Library Copiers

[Link to Papercut Web Application]

Copiers are located in the middle area of each floor as you get off the elevators. A VTS ID card is required to access print, copy, and scan features. You can use library computers on any floor to print by logging into the VTS Papercut Service. There is currently no charge for printing or making copies, within reasonable limits.

If you need to set up your Papercut account or need assistance printing, contact the VTS Computer Lab at Printing/Account troubleshooting goes through the Computer Lab.

There is a 24/7 copier located in Scott Lounge on the VTS Campus.

Scan & Deliver Service

Distance/Hybrid Learning students may request scans of materials that are not otherwise available in electronic format. The library must follow all applicable copyright laws when fielding scan requests. To request a scan to be emailed to you, please fill out the Ask-A-Librarian form.

Seminary Families

The library seeks to be a place for seminary learners of every age.


  • Seminary family members may register for a personal library card (Middle-School Aged through Adults)
  • Children in elementary school or below should be accompanied by an adult
  • All users should respect the library as a professional place of study. Please use lower voices in the library

Green Zones:

Children's Area: Library Commons (Main Floor)

  • Picture books, children's books, and beginning reading-level books
  • Parents should check out books for children elementary-aged and below on the parents' library account

Juvenile and Young Adult Area: Top Level

  • Books for upper-grade school, middle school, and teen readers
  • Seminary young people, middle-school-aged and above, may register for their own library cards
  • Young people should respect others working and studying on the top floor

Yellow Zones:

  • The computer directly across from the circulation desk may be used by young people middle-school-aged and above with parental permission

Red Zones:

  • The lower level of the library is a quiet, academic area for adults to study
  • All computers besides the one listed above are reserved for adult use.

Alumni Library Resources

VTS and GTS Alumni have access to a limited number of databases and digital resources. Visit the alumni guide for more information.

International Students

*This page is for VTS residential students from countries outside the United States*

Welcome International Students!

Welcome to the Bishop Payne Library. The library and its staff are here to support and inspire your theological research and reflection while you're at VTS. We've put together this special guide to help orient you to using the library. Make sure to also view the New Student Checklist to familiarize yourself with the library.

Library Assistance/Help

Every member of the library staff is here to support your studies. You can ask any question at any time to any member of the staff. They can help you navigate the library's physical book stacks, use the online catalog or digital resources, or provide research advice.

  • The circulation desk at the front of the library is always staffed when the library is open. You're never interrupting them, please feel free to ask them any questions. You can also call the circulation desk at +1 (703) 461-1733.
  • Email or use the Ask-A-Librarian form. Use this email or form for any library questions, from general inquiries to specific research help.

The library employs several professional librarians, each with their unique specialties and responsibilities. Many of them have master's degrees in librarianship along with a discipline in theology or the humanities. Their job is to help you with your research needs.

Using the Library

Study: Make yourself at home and study at any of the open desks, chairs, or standing desks throughout the library. Conference rooms are available for group study, no reservation is needed. The library consists of three floors, and most of the study areas are along the windows or outer walls.

Find Materials: Locate books in the library's catalog, OneSearch. On a search result for a physical book, there will be an associated "call number" for the book. The call number is the "address" for where to find the book in the stacks, and should be read in alphabetical/numerical order. Next to the call number, click the "Map It" button to locate where the book is in the library. There are also maps and location lists around the library which tell you where certain parts of the collection are located. You can always ask the circulation desk staffer for directions.

Almost all of the materials in the library are in an "open stacks" system, meaning library users can browse and find the materials they need directly from the shelves themselves. Books listed as "reference" are for consulting inside the library only. Some materials, like archival or rare book items, require a library staff member to retrieve them for you.

Digital Resources: The library has thousands of eBooks and millions of journal articles in the collection. These are searchable in the OneSearch catalog which provides direct links to view the PDF formatted full-text of the digital resources.

Course Reserves: Faculty ask the library to put required reading/textbooks on "course reserve." That means they are kept at the circulation desk and are lent out for 2-hours at a time. This process helps ensure all students in a class can share materials equally. Course reserves are usually listed on your syllabus, or you can search by your professor's last name in the library's course reserves database.